
I'm hangin' on a hoop, but I'm all right

I was picking out an avocado for some gaucamole to go with the melon-hanbanero salsa I was given at work this morning, when this song came on over the Safeway speakers. I burst into tears, and it felt really good. I've been on that precipice for a couple weeks now, but there hasn't been anything to just get the cry out of me. Leave it to Karen Carpenter to give me that arbitrary catharsis.

AND HOLY SHIT BERNADETTE PETERS JUST SAID SHE AND ELAINE STRICH ARE GOING TO BE IN 'A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC'. Crap, that really makes me want to fly out to Philly even earlier than we are scheduled to make a detour to see those two broads. Sorry for the aside, but Bernadette is co-hosting Regis and Kelly, so you know I'm watching.

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