

Ok, I know I've been promising it all week, and I have completed it, but I would just like to justify the amount of time that it has taken me to post this.
1) It is my birthweek and y'all are lucky I'm posting at all.
2) In the past four days I have gotten approximately 16.5 hours of sleep, and this is not for lack of trying. (Factor in attempting to sleep in the middle of the day on exteremly hot days.)
C)Trying to make this video better than the last and overcome that aspect ratio problem and the conversion problem.

I did not succeed in endeavor C. The codec this camera saves the files in and Microsoft Movie Maker's inability to deal with any file other than .wma made me crazy. If I had hair, I would have been pulling it out.

So, you'll just have to deal with that aspect ratio thing. And the fact that I can't put in volume markers other than fade in and fade out at the end of the clip. But I am determined to make this program work for me. Two attempts that have been frustrating beyond belief has sent my inner nerd running to message boards.

Oh, and before I show you the finished product--I just want to thank Janice for comandeering my new toy and interviewing everyone. I had so much fun listening to what everyone had to say--and more than that, listening to your one-of-a-kind laugh. And even more than that, I'm glad I have a document of a day that was really special for me--and not special in a retarded way.

Ok, so without further ado--


red said...

OH. EM. GEE! That is totally cool!
happy bday jerms!

Anonymous said...

Not bad. I give you an A- on your first editing attempt. I think it really needed more star wipes and Yee Haw moments.

GayProf said...

Looks like fun was had by all.

I found turning 31 much more depressing than turning 30. Thirty was a novelty. Turning 31, on the other hand, suggested nothing but the reality of the one's age.

Uh -- But I am sure your 31 will be a much happier time than mine! Cheers!

Earl Cootie said...

Janice rocks!

Thomas said...

i guess i'm a bit late. i was at the Calgary Stampede this weekend. but happy belated birthday!