
Heat it up, and cut it off with a box cutter

Poor, poor Matthew. He got an abscessed cyst, much like the picture on the right--only not so low. I would like to encourage everyone to light a candle and say a prayer for Matthew. He is in a state of much discomfort (although I doubt as much discomfort as the poor illustration to the right--were it a real person).
So I'll be taking him back to the clinic tomorrow. "What's gonna happen to my baby," I'll shout. Then I'll put my hands over my eyes and sob uncontrollably. I'm sure he'll be fine though. He has enough pot to last until armageddon--and if that doesn't work, maybe he can get the doctor to prescribe some fun pills (I'll split the cost if I can have a few).
Felix da Housecat will be droppin' some beats tonight down at Element and I told Tom that I'd go out tonight. So instead of staying at home and watching Fog of War and I Think I Do, I'll shake it--but just a little. I have to wake up in the morn to take poor, poor Matthew to the clinic.


Anonymous said...

jeremy, i don't even want to know what search engine term you used to find THAT imagine...

and poor matty indeed! i hope it's malignant. :( i'm sure it is...

btw: BAD NEWS! looks like nomi is gone. :( maybe we can all catch something else on sunday instead... dang.

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor me indeed. The fact that I am in a state of innumerable discomfort belies the fact that I had an ABCESSED CYST ON MY FREAKIN' NECK!!! I mean, I almost deserve discomfort when I have something that abyssmal growing on my neck. Oh well, it could've been a new ass growing outta' my neck. That would have not only been more gross, but it also would've been much harder to heat up, and slice with a box cutter. Thus making this blog irrelevant. And that would be quite discomforting indeed...

Anonymous said...
