On Sunday, I was scheduled to help Rachel move. So when I get a hold of her, she tells me that my phone has been going straight to voice mail. Really.
So I check my voice mail and it turns out that I am loved and I am wanted. Sorry for being a pouty-face.
Moving Rachel was a total blast. Ten people helped with the move and it was pretty painless. Great group of people, too. Then Rachel took us to dinner at B & O Espresso--and I've gotta say, I was pretty impressed. We had two hookas on our table with double apple tobacco, and we smoked leisurely as we awaited our entrees and later, desserts, yum!!
Now its time for news.
This is most likely the final season for Arrested Development. Even though DVD sales are pretty good, FOX will probably not renew the show. (And will probably cut the number of episodes this season.) Article.
Sarah, the confused and easily led contestant from ANTM, is interviewed by some lesbians about how the taste of the tang. Article.
A scathing article out of New Zealand on ANTM titled America's Next Top Slave.
And finally, a big CONGRATULATIONS to Melissa McCarthy aka Sookie from Gilmore Girls who tied the knot October 8th.
And two little bitty things about me (cuz you know Carly Simon wrote that song about me).
My first review is up on Resident Advisor. (Well, one album review and 2 club reivews for Seattle. The Club Element review also contains press release stuff from the club.) I swear that in the future I'll actually read my reviews in the future before I submit them thereby avoiding using the same word repeatedly.
And secondly, all of my hard work at deciphering the laws of physics have been posted at Knifefight in BK. Yes, that's right, it has something to do with methane production.
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